Journal Publishing

High-quality Open Access publishing with fair pricing

  • 100% Open Access

    Ubiquity Press is uncompromisingly Open Access, and all processes are fully optimized for the open dissemination of content. No paywalls ever.

  • Fair pricing

    Built from day one to provide publishing on a lean and efficient basis, our pricing is proven to be affordable across all disciplines, including in the developing world.

  • Flexible models

    We provide journals with both full-service and hosted models. Journals with APCs can also adjust these to create income for the parent society.

Some of the organizations we publish for:

  • World Heart Federation
  • UKSG
  • Swiss Psychological Society
  • Modern, feature-rich journals

    Clean design on the web and fully optimized for mobile viewing. Full usage metrics, DOIs, commenting and annotation, accessible display options, social media integration, special collections and more. All journals are full optimized for Open Access, with absolutely no paywalls or embargoes, and are widely indexed and archived.

  • Full-service option

    A full stack of publishing services, including dedicated editorial support, anti-plagiarism checking, technical copyediting, typesetting, indexing and archiving and content promotion, etc. These journals have Article Processing Charges (APCs), which are generally paid by either the society or the author's funder or institution (80% of these journals are diamond OA). As our APCs are relatively low compared to those of other publishers, a society can choose to increase the APC amount to bring in additional income.

  • Hosted option

    Ubiquity Press simply hosts the journals on its platform and ensures that they are fully functional and available. The society is responsible for editorial support and ensuring that functions such as peer review, copyediting and typesetting are carried out. These journals have a flat annual fee and no APCs. It is also possible to add optional services such as typesetting for example. These services are charged on either an annual or per-article basis, as appropriate.

  • Transparent pricing

    Our Article Processing Charges are fully transparent - you can trust us that every penny goes towards providing a high quality, sustainable publishing service, and not towards sky-high publisher profits. Our standard APC starts at only £525 (ca. €630, $730). In order to establish trust with authors, institutions and funders, we provide a transparent breakdown of how the APC is calculated, as well as Plan-S compliant reporting.

  • Meta-publishing

    Ubiquity Press meta-papers provide a fully open access way to discover research resources that are spread across multiple locations and usually hard to find. They reward authors for openly archiving their research datasets, software, hardware and bioresources, through citation and impact tracking. By doing so they also enable new and more efficient research, new collaborations, and use by the public. We run a series of journals dedicated to meta-papers, but these can also be published in any journal on our platform.

  • Find the perfect journal

    The Journal Matcher is a recommendation system that helps authors to find the most suitable journal to submit to.

    The Journal Matcher streamlines the journal selection process for researchers, helping their work reach the right audience. By leveraging AI technology (LLM and RAG), the Journal Matcher analyses article titles and abstracts, and recommends the most suitable journals.

    Read our blog post.

When Open Access and Open Source Mean More: A Case Study on the Transfer of Publisher to ]u[ Ubiquity Press, from a Long-established Journal

In the summer of 2022, international journal “Perspectives on Medical Education” (PME) decided to take the leap and leave their large, traditional publisher with which they had a relationship for 40 odd years for ]u[ Ubiquity Press. In this case study, Erik Driessen (Editor-in-Chief) and Lauren Maggio (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) share their experience of transferring publishers in the hopes that their insight will prove valuable to other journals hoping to do the same.